Supporting Good Judgement in Social Work

Testing online interventions designed to improve social workers' accuracy in forecasting the outcomes from case summaries.


Randomised controlled trial / Complete

Estimated completion

October 2019

Focus areas


Delivered by

CASCADE, Cardiff University

Evaluated by

CASCADE, Cardiff University

In collaboration with Cardiff University and UCL School of Management, the Supporting Good Judgement in Social Work Project aims to understand how accurately social workers can forecast what is going to happen next from reading brief case summaries, and whether forecasting accuracy can be improved with one of three short, online interventions. In this trial, participants’ were randomly allocated into one of four conditions – control or three forms of intervention designed to improve accuracy: cognitive de-biasing, feedback and growth mindset, and confidence calibration. Publication of this trial protocol was delayed until after data collection to mitigate the risk of participants’ gaining knowledge about the interventions, which could subsequently influence their responses.