About What Works CSC
Seeking better outcomes for children, young people and families
What Works for Children’s Social Care (WWCSC) and the Early Intervention Foundation (EIF) merged in December 2022 and are now Foundations, the What Works Centre for Children & Families. You can visit our new website here.
This website will remain live for now but is not being updated. Here you can find research and work we carried out as WWCSC before the new organisation was formally launched in June 2023.
What Works for Children’s Social Care (WWCSC) and the Early Intervention Foundation (EIF) are merging. The new merged organisation is operating initially under the working name of What Works for Early Intervention and Children’s Social Care.
Our new single What Works centre will cover the full range of support for children and families from preventative approaches, early intervention and targeted support for those at risk of poor outcomes, through to support for children with a social worker, children in care and care leavers.
You will notice some changes between now and Spring 2023 as we bring the two organisations together.
What we do
We seek better outcomes for children, young people and families by bringing the best available evidence to practitioners and other decision makers across the children’s social care sector.
Our research looks at the point of referral through to permanence, including adoption, care-leaver support and targeted early help. We focus on children’s social care practice in England and draw on and share learning at the international level.
Engagement and co-design are central to our approach and we are working in close consultation with leaders, practitioners, children and young people, families and researchers across the sector to:
- Identify gaps in the evidence, and create new evidence through trials and evaluations
- Collate, synthesise and review existing evidence
- Develop, test and publish tools and services that support the greater use of evidence and inform the design of the future Centre
- Champion the application of robust standards of evidence in children’s social care research.
Meet the team
At What Works for Children’s Social Care we’re passionate about helping the children’s social care sector to foster a culture of evidence-based practice to achieve the very best outcomes for children and young people. Find about more about the team.
Our Stakeholders
Hearing different voices is vital, so we have different ways of listening to our stakeholders.
Hearing the voice of children and young people
We have recruited Young Advisors who have lived experience of children’s social care to advise the Senior Management Team and the Founding Board about young people’s views and needs. Although we don’t expect young people to access the Centre’s evidence, as the ultimate beneficiaries of better evidence, they should have a voice in the management of the organisation.
Engaging Children and Young People in our Research
We want to know what children and young people think about our research. We want to know what’s important to them and how research could help answer their questions. Where we are doing primary research in local authorities, we will engage with children and young people in those communities to hear their views and explain our findings.
Reaching Out to Social Workers
We spend a lot of time talking to social workers, and through our polling project we are able to go even further, by capturing the views of large numbers of social workers quickly and easily. We regularly send out polls to our panel of respondents to help us better understand social workers’ attitudes and behaviours regarding important issues that impact practice and shape research. We want to hear from as many people as possible, so if you are a registered social worker and would like to sign up for polling please use this link. If you have any questions about polling please email us at wwcpolling@wweicsc.org.uk
The individuals below were members of the WWCSC Board before the organisation’s merger in December 2022.
Funded by the Department for Education

What Works for Children’s Social Care is part of the What Works Network

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