Rapid review of placement outcomes of Black children in out of home care, compared to children from other ethnic groups in out of home care

WWCSC are conducting a rapid review to better understand the existing literature around placement outcomes of Black children in care, and whether this differs from the placement outcomes of children from other ethnic groups in care in the UK.


Review / In progress

Estimated completion

August 2021

Black children are overrepresented among children in need in general and among children who are looked after compared to other ethnic groups, this review aims to broadly outline the existing research in relation to this topic and highlight gaps within the literature. This has important implications for both practice and policy in relation to caring for Black children in out of home care, and understanding whether any disparities exist in the placement outcomes of Black children compared to children from other ethnic groups. 

This review seeks to better understand the experiences of Black children in out of home care, and whether this group of children experiences differences in placement outcomes relative to children from other ethnic groups in the UK. Specifically, this review aims to understand whether placement stability and reunification rates for Black children in care differs from other ethnic groups, along with health outcomes (mental and physical) and educational outcomes (attainment and exclusions).

Studies will include a search strategy based on predefined inclusion criteria, as well as a manual search of online social work related research repositories, and an after process of filtering based on predefined exclusion criteria. The evidence will be analysed and synthesized using a ‘best fit’ thematic framework approach, and presented in a written text and table format.

This review will be completed by August 2021.